This is just so awesome guys!!!!!!!!!
Guess what? One of our prayers was answered today with a positive “yes” answer from the Lord!
HE GAVE ME A DIGITAL CAMERA using my friends from Indiana I just met this past summer at WOL summer camps. Praise be to Him for this, and thanks to you guys for taking part in it.
And I just wanted to share this with you cause I know you have been praying about this for me! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! After all this be sure that I will be asking you more often to pray for me:-)Please keep the laptop too continually in your prayers.
Dare, dare dare asking big things from the Lord, trusting that He can do it and will if it is in His plan for us!!!!
Love you all and thank you very much being my friends, and faithfully praying for me!
Have a great weekend:-)
yeah!!!! how exciting timea! i will see you at church tomorrow 🙂
Bebi, vezi ce bun este Domnul? SUPER, am stiut ca el iti v-a da. asa cum ai zis si tu, dare to ask and it shall be given to you mai ales daca Domnul vrea asta pt tine. Ma bucur Bebi si sa vezi ca Domnul poate aproviziona si un laptop pt tine, just keen on trusting bebi. Te iubi mult si am bucur cu tine.