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Thoughts & Inspiration

7 1/2 years ago , up in the mountains of Romania, the Charpathians, Stan(left) Becky and Wesley came with a group from their church from Birmingham, Alabama to do summer camps- a means of presenting Jesus to the youth in Romania.

Well praise be to the Lord for grabbing my heart at that time and bringing me to Him. Wesley was the one who led me to the Lord, and ever since then I have been praying that maybe some day we will get to see each other!

Our Father is awesome! i am telling you:-)! I know you know this though, but thought to share this lttle miracle of His in my life knowing it will be ablessing to you who read this, cause it is the Lord’s work! Well, God worked it out!!! We got the chance to see each other again for a whole week just before Christmas! What a blessing! Praise be to you my dear Daddy!!!!:-)

So all that to say NEVER EVER GIVE UP PRAYING!!!! The Lord is i control, and you never know…..

Hope you will have a great day and will get back to write on my blog sometime in January I believe. I will be traveling to Hungary and Romania in the next 2 weeks, so I would appreciate your prayers for me to e a shining light for the Lord and that he would touch hearts through my stories about Him!

THANK YOU for your prayres and may the new year bring you a closer walk with our Savior!

I LOVE YOU ALL, in Christ! 🙂

6 responses to “God’s timig-very cool:-0)”

  1. Timi, thank you for sharing the picture! It is always great to hear about the exciting news and how God is working through your ministry. I love you girl. I am praying for safe traveling and an awesome visit with your family and friends in Romania. Talk with you soon Sister!

  2. Szia Timiii!
    Olyan jó olasni ezeket a csodákat, amiket Isten az életedben véged! Hallelúja! Boldog vagyok, hogy boldog vagy! 😀
    Nagyon szeretlek és alig várom hogy találkozzunk!

  3. Drága Timi! Nagyon bátorító olvasni a soraidat, ….köszönöm! Sajnos, hamareabb el kellett jönnöm Tóalmásról, ezért nem találkozhatunk. Ria azt írta, h. vas. -30.-án leszel Tóalmáson.Én pedig szombaton jöttem el… Kérlek, írdd meg, mikor, és hogyan utazol vissza Mexikóba! Marianna.