……then here are some random facts about me π
I love
chocolate and
My favorite food: cheese sticks and salad
I like to do: to
write hand written letters,
to read, to run and to swim, to talk to people and get to know them, to sing and to eat a lot of chocolate:-)
3 of my
big dreams are: 1. to dance at my wedding
2. to owe an orphanage one day
3. to have a real monkey one day as a pet
I surrendered all these 3 to the Lord:-)
makes me very sad and I cry when I hear or see somebody talk or treat another person in a way that I know it is not pleasing to our Lord
I love
favorite color is burgundy
The least favorite, blue
One of my
pet pews is my room mates leaving their personal areas in a mess
I don’t like computers and mobile phones
Hogy te milyen ugyes vagy!!! Megy neked ez a szamitogep-dolog is! π Buszke vagyok rad! De azert a vilagoskek nem olyan csunya szin, ugye?? :o)
I feel like I know you better already. Keep working with the computer thing, you will learn to love them someday!
Moncanak igaza van…a kek az nagyon szep, foleg a vilagoskek….ne add fel, Monca π igen,a majmos dolognak en is orulnek,..de a masik ketto :)))..hat hogy is mondjam?! π
mikor lesz az eskuvod? mikor menjek tancoltatni a menyasszonyt? π