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One of the benefits with living together with Americans is that you get to know their culture better. This is not the greatest benefit though on my opinion:-) But that as you are getting more and more familiar with the language and get to know more words in English, it becomes such a great source of fun and felowship.

 Let me just explain this a littlebit:-) Hungarian being my mother tongue, I am realizing more and more, how many words in other languages sound actually like a word in Hungarian. But something funny! (Sometimes though a bad word I have to admit it, so you got to watch out:-0))

But I just want to point out a specific word in English.


This word makes the whole team laugh every time we use this word and think about what it means in Hungarian.

LO FING-is the word in Hungarian that sounds like the word LOAFING in English. And I just hope you will laugh with me:-0) as you learn now that this word means horse fart in Hungarian. Well, just thought to share this with you, hoping to bring a little laughter in your day!

Oh our beautiful, beautiful Hungarian language! 🙂 Lol

3 responses to “Loafing around:-)”

  1. Wow-that totally makes me laugh! And gives me a new Hungarian word to know!

    I was practicing earlier today and I think I’m ready to move onto my next Hungarian Language lesson.

    I shared with two of the guys in my community group about my possible return to Hungary and to see Romania…and asked for their prayers and for you!!

    : )

  2. Jaj te Timi 🙂 hogy jutott eszedbe ez a hasonlat:)??
    Ez a nap vicce.Ki kellene adjal egy vicces gyujtemenyt!