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Thank you for your faithful prayers for me to be sensitive to the Lord’s teachings in my life as I prepare prayerfully to go to Mexico!

Here is one of the areas God has been challenging me lately, I believe as a result of your faithful prayers too:
eye make-up. Interesting how the Lord works, isn’t it? 😀

This has been always a very important part of my life. I just got so used to wear eye make-up, that I could not imagine my days without it. But as I thought about being on the mission field and the sacrifices I have to make to serve the Lord wholeheartedly, I started praying about  being sensitive and obedient to God’s direction if there is anything I need to change.

Well, yes! Not that eye make-up is bad in my opinion, either has it taken a long time from me, but yes it became more important to me as it should have. And I really do want to be ready for everything and anything unexpected as I will be on the filed! So, I have decided to quit wearing make-up, put on only ocassionally.
Honestly, I thought this would not work no matter how hard I would try, cause I am just not used to it and it feels so weird, plus what would people say……..but then the Lord brought to my mind that I do not do this for others , but for Him, to get ready to serve Him focusing only on those things that would bring glory to His name.
I mean who knows, “I would not have the time to put on eye make-up each day, plus what does that matter at all?” were my thoughts as yesterday with the Lord’s help I had my first day in public without wearing eye make-up!
And it feels so good knowing I do something for Him that is hard for me, but with the assurance that He is going to give me the strength to do it and bless it so much!!!!

So, I would like to challenge you too to think about what might be something in your life that hinders you from wholeheartedly serving the Lord, and then do about it what the Lord tells you to do !
It is worth it!

Have a great day!

2 responses to “No make- up”

  1. It sounds like God is preparing already for this experience. Keep being obedient to Him. You are beautiful with or without eye makeup!

  2. Hi! I will be on your team next year! Although I am without a blog as of now I was reading to get to know everyone better!

    Eyemake up 🙂 it is so true, I myself am going to have to give up lots of things too; one being a daily beautifying regiment . . .straightening my hair . . hahaha