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Thoughts & Inspiration


” Timi, do you still doubt God being in control and faithful over life’s unexpected situation???” was my first thought after reading through the book of Esther.

It is so amazing for me to see how the Lord was sovereignly protecting his people… really made me think how even though Mordecai and Esther were keeping their Jewish nationality a secret, not living according to the Law commended by God to the people of Israel, in spite of this fact God still protected and used them. Or Him using the forgetfulness of a pagan king to preserve and protect his people, plus His timing being so perfect as the king Xerxes could not sleep exactly on that night when Haman was going to speak to him about hanging Mordecai.
For sure there are not coincidences in God’s plan for our lives!!!!!!!!

But it is so interesting how actually god’s name is not even once mentioned in this book, or does not even talk about prayer which is always such a crucial part of God’s faithful people. So, I was just wondering: what do you guys think? why is this in this way? or what do you think about Esther and Mordecai? Do you think they were believers?

I really liked the idea of studying this book together,and am very interested to hear what your thoughts were after reading this book.
Enclosing this I would just like to encourage you to TRUST in God’s faithfulness to his promises!! And you know, all of you FYMs, if God really wants to see us there on the field this year, He already has all the money together for us. Do that first step of faith and tell His people about your needs and just leave the rest into His hands. Pray and pray about this, and trust the Lord even though sometimes circumstances and people’s reactions would be very discouraging. You just don’t give up!!!!!!

I am praying for all of you and for your support to come in in time, also that God would use this time period to draw you guys closer to Him!

With lots of love,

5 responses to “Thoughts about the book of Esther”

  1. Timi,
    What a joy to hear you are going to Mexico. Esther is also one of my favorite books. I wonder, as with God’s Creation that pours forth speech without languange, if His Name is not shouted out all through the story and their lives. When Esther called a fast, I can only wonder why. Was it not perhaps because she knew her confidence could only be found in Him?
    with love,
    Crystal (former Mexico staff)

    Cerurile spun slava lui Dumnezeu, şi întinderea lor vesteşte lucrarea mînilor Lui.
    O zi istoriseşte alteia acest lucru, o noapte dă de ştire alteia despre el. Şi aceasta, fără vorbe, fără cuvinte, al căror sunet să fie auzit.

  2. Great thoughts, Timi! We will have fun studying the book together and answering the many questions we all have. Great stuff!

    God will supply all the funds. He already knows who is going to send money in and where it is all coming from. Doesn ‘t that blow your mind away?

  3. Szia Timi!!! 🙂
    Úgy örülök, hogy misszionárius leszel!! Milyen jó neked! Irigyellek ám! De majd eljön az én idõm is remélem. Képzeld, hogy nemrég engem is nagyon megfogott Eszter könyvének sok-sok üzenete, és tök jó, hogy ezzel nem vagyok egyedül. Szeretlek!!!

  4. Hi Timi!

    I love reading your thoughts and how God is working in your life. I just recently read Esther and noticed for the first time that Haman never actually speaks to Esther about approaching the King. He sends others to her since he is mourning for the nation and is dressed in sack cloth and ashes. I had forgotten God is not mentioned in the book! God obviously had his hand on both Esther and Haman but whether they had committed themselves to Him in a personal relationship is hard to tell. It is sad Esther was part of a harem and chosen to be Queen by such circumstances. Another thing I noticed, in the beginning of the book, why did the Queen refuse to appear before the King? You have to wonder if she was justified since he had been drinking for quite a while by the time she was called. There is lots to think about isn’t there?

    Love you & praying for you!