I have seen dumpsters in Romania, I am telling you…but this past weekend, when we went to the dump in mAtamoros, I seriously thought we were at a never ending huge city or something….I mean look at the pictures!!!!
Our team went out to the garbage dump to hand out hod dogs to those who work there.
God is so cool! He gave me the oportunity to get to talk with 3 men who work there andshare with them, that not only Mexico has places like this….they were so surprized that there are other countries in this world where there is powerty.
This just reminded me to be very thankful for the country God wanted me to be born and raised. It was such a cool oportunity to get to share with these men the hope why actually I am down here in Mexico!
Please pray for them that the Holy Spirit would remind them of what they have heared about Jesus and why not that He would convict them about their need! Thank you!